PMSing? It's not just in your mind. PMS used to be something I gave a bad rap. When I was young I dreaded it. Now that I understand that, by nature, I am a cyclic being, I am able to find support for moving through each moon with more grace.
Hormones are constantly fluctuating in our female bodies to give us a monthly opportunity to reproduce. That flux is the cause for our swinging moods. The good news is that we can manage some stability by making ourselves more informed and making lifestyle choices that suit our cycle.
PMS comes in the Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The luteal phase, which immediately follows ovulation, lasts 10-14 days in all (not that we are necessarily PMSing for that long) and it relates to autumn, a season of slowing down and preparing to go inwards. This is a creative phase if we allow time for ourselves to craft with the muse. I think of canning the harvest, wrapping up loose ends and producing something with all that has come to us since our last bleed.
This is the time our body breaks down an unfertilized egg, and like autumn, it is a time to see what leaves you are ready to let fall by the wayside. Take stock of your life and note where your are spending energy in places that don't serve the Highest good. In which area of your life are you feeling exhausted? Now, see what needs to fall away in order for something more desirable to have space to appear. Is there a place you could benefit from withdrawing your energy? Where could you bring it back unto yourself, and let something go that's no longer working?
If we stay full, we don't have room for anything different. Ask someone who's gluten intolerant how exciting colonic irrigation can be! Make room for the new by letting it go, ya'll.
Letting go is made easier with Trust in the inherent good of the Universe, that is working FOR you and not against you. Like PMS, when we don't understand how to melt into our flow, we demonize what is actually part of our life-affirming creative process.
I love that Alma ∞ Omega is creating phase-forward playlists on SoundCloud called Know Your Flow. She has created playlists for two of the four phases already. This PMS edition is speaking to all sides of me today. If I were you, I'd click into this photo and have a listen right now. It's soooooo good.
There's a way of moving and working out that correlates best with each phase of the cycle, and the Luteal phase calls for practices like pilates and strength training. Try something with less intensity than you practiced the previous week during ovulation, and something with more structure than what your body will call for the following week during menstruation.
During each phase, particular foods help balance shifting hormones, so cyclic eating can help too! The Luteal phase is when hormones are at a peak, hence the cravings we experience at this time. Watch the coffee and sugar cravings to cut down on anxiety, and cut down on salt to help with water retention that causes that bloated feeling. I just learned that papaya leaf is an amazing natural healer for cramps because it is so supportive for the platelets in our blood. Here's a PMS-positive shopping list that can help boost your mood...
Coffee Alternatives:
- Caffeine-free herbal teas (my faves: Spring Dragon & Pukka Cleanse)
- Ginger tea
- Peppermint tea
- Holy basil tea
- Golden Turmeric Latte (anti-infammatory)
- Dandelion, burdock, or chicory root latte (try DandyBlend)
- Adaptogenic mushroom tonics (try FourSigmatic)
Salt Alternatives:
-Sesame seeds
-Celery salt
-Sunflower seeds
-Pumpkin seeds
Sugar Alternatives:
- Dark chocolate
- Berries
- Dates
- Apples
- Pears
- Bananas
- Walnuts
Good Mood Food:
- Dark greens (Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard)
- Squash
- Cauliflower
- Roots like sweet potatoes, parsnips & carrots
- Healthy fats & protein (avos, eggs, salmon, halibut, cod)
- Brown rice (complex vs simple carbs like those found in fruit, milk, white rice, and processed foods)
- Chickpeas
-Magnesium (for bloating, add flakes to bath, find naturally occurring in some foods listed above, or ingest capsulated.
[Diet suggestions informed by information from functional nutritionist for women, Kristin Dahl (]