Our female bodies---specifically our breasts, womb, and genitals---awaken with loving attention. If your hustle has you feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, tired, or numb, you can rebuild your energy reservoir by making time to lovingly attend to your sexual (read: creative life force) center.
Sure, it's great when we have an hour or so to dive deep with ourselves, go fully into our pleasure, slowly warming, activating and melting open... but even a quick check in at the temple is better than skipping the program altogether. I'm talking about making a DAILY practice of visiting your lady parts.

We've got to do this because there is so much wisdom and power that comes from staying connected to ourselves, our true nature, our erotic innocence. We've got to do this because we have been shamed and discouraged from it for generations. We've got to make time for this because not doing it can leave us cut-off, half-assed, dried up, weak, rigid and frigid. And there ain't no sincere woman that's got time for that kind of living.
Bringing presence and reverence can be as simple as caressing the breasts and tuning into the heart, spending 5 minutes contracting and relaxing muscles of the pelvic floor, and/or envisioning sipping telluric energy up to the ovaries with the breath.
When you've made space for yourself, take a moment first to backup from the way you normally do things. It's time to get curious. You want to open new pathways, rather than reinforce the habits of touch you've carried since childhood or learned from porn/media. To help you get creative with new ways of showing up at the palace gates, I want to suggest something that may seem silly at first...
Dialoguing with your pussy. This means asking her what SHE wants. And honoring what she DOESN'T want. Giving her a voice. Letting her change her mind. Every day, every moment if she wants. Let her feel heard and hugged. Whisper sweet things to her---things she has always wanted to hear from a mother or a lover. YOU can give that to her.
It starts with a deep listening inside. Taking your hands and your attention to her. Pouring your love from your heart, through your hands, with no goal other than meeting her.
With even 5 or 10 minutes, you can simply hold your pussy letting her absorb the warmth and energy from your hands. You can try rocking your pelvic bowl, gently massaging your labia, and consciously approaching the opening of your vagina with wonder. Simply allow with each fresh breath a merging of your mind, your heart and your feminine body, soaking the moment in a frequency of gratitude and responding moment to moment to her needs and desires.
It doesn't need to be erotic or juicy, though it can be. It just needs to be authentic.
Especially if there's pain, we tend to want to shut down, turn off, look away... but consider this as a signal from your body. Take it as an opportunity to bring love to the place that is hurting, as you would with a fallen or neglected child. Go as gently and as slowly as you need to, even if that looks like complete stillness.
Even if you are in an intimate relationship with another, your body still craves your own attention. Like you don't expect your partner to bathe you every day, you can't expect a partner to give you all the touch your body needs in all the ways it wants it. When you take responsibility for your own turn on, you can then bring that into your intimate relationship. You are no longer at the whim of someone else's intuition or performance. You know yourself and love yourself. You respect yourself. And you open up to receive a deeper love and respect from your partner.
I invite you to gift yourself this daily dose of utter presence and devotion. I truly believe the world needs it! Develop a lasting relationship with a part of yourself that holds mystery, power, pleasure, and wisdom. Try it for 7 days and let me know what you notice.
To be connected and at ease with yourself, to be an integrated woman, to be living fully into the gift of embodiment... that's what I wish for us all.
If you'd like to be guided into these feminine meditations, I host workshops and private zoom sessions, where I guide women like you to listen deeper, build trust for their inner guidance, soften into self-renewal, and celebrate their true nature. You'll gain a handful of Taoist self-love practices specifically for women that help in decision making, creativity, and increased vitality. Next event is Body Temple, February 3 & 10, at Pillar of Light, St Petersburg, Florida.
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